K9 Nose Work®
Stop asking people who have never been where you’re going for directions.
2025: We have retired from teaching puppy, teen and behavior concerns. See “classes “ section for referrals and information.
Do training methods matter? The wrong one can cost dogs their lives
by Steve Dale and Fear Free Pets
Team Petey had a fun day competing in AKC Scent Work. Seriously that High in Trial ribbon is a masterpiece.
Any dog can play K9 Nose Work ™ . Sea Change Canine Halloween hunting event.
Our dogs love hunting anywhere!
Students and competitors show off some bling.
Excellent Interior and NW1 Team Ike is still rockin’ the trials. Senior dogs love the game.
Our Wizard of Oz inspired sniffing event. Poppies smell wonderful.
Team Ida had a fun day trialing.
AKC High in Trial! Congratulations Team Mose.
Not bad for a first AKC trial effort! Team Gobi.
Accolades and What People Say
2024 Nose Work ®
I come across a ferry and a drive to Sequim, so my classes at Sea Change are an all-day affair. But it has been SO worth the effort. The classes have been well-crafted to teach and train specific skills for both handler and dog, not just putting out hides for us to find. Both of my dogs have developed so much more drive, speed, and accuracy, and my handling skills have really improved. Sarah has given me the confidence to jump into NACSW with great success. I've learned loads about how to read my dog, how odor travels and pools, and how to increase motivation and joy for us as a team. Amanda
Congratulations to Susan and Vegas NW2 title, 4th overall. 3rd place Exterior, 3rd place Interior, Rapid City SD. 2025
Congratulations Enid and Charlie Rose AKC Detective First place , Graham WA 2025
Congratulations Pam and Jasper AKC Buried Advanced Second place , Graham WA 2025
Congratulations Pam and Kelsea AKC Master Interior Second place and Master Title , Graham WA 2025
Congratulations L1I titles-Lydia and Gobi 3rd overall, 1st in element, Paul and Jack Jack, Rene’ and Caras 1st in element, Kent WA 2025
Congratulations Lydia and Gobi Title L1V Kent , WA 2025
Congratulations Titles L1I Curt and Tuck, Vicki and Ida, Mary Lou and Rosa, Rene and Nitro, Pam and Kelsea Oakville WA 2025
Congratulations Rene’ and Caras title L1C Oakville WA 2025
Congratulations Rene’ and Caras NW2 title - 6th overall , 3rd Interior, 5th container. Bellingham Wa 2025
Congratulations Marna and Fern NW1 title- 15th overall. Bellingham WA 2025
Congratulations Lydia and Gobi. AKC Advanced Exterior 6th place. Lacey, WA 2025
Congratulations to Pamela and Jasper. AKC ADV Buried 3rd and 4th place, Adv Interior 1st and 2nd place. Adv Exterior 2nd place. Lacey WA 2025
Congratulations to Enid and Charlie Rose. Elite 3rd place in element , 10th overall. NACSW Bellingham WA 2024
Congratulations to Enid and Charlie Rose. ELT-S 3rd overall of 3 with 100% NACSW Bellingham WA2024
Congratulations NACSW ORT titles-Linda and Tanzi, Susan and Wally, Susan and Frankie, Keeley and Ziggy, Kelly and Gabe, Dick and Nani, Glenda and Smudge, Liz and Felicia, Carrie and Buddy 2024
Congratulations to Amanda and Zelda 2nd place Exterior and NW1 (75%pass) NACSW Auburn WA 2024
Congratulations Sue and Patti L2C passed 75% NACSW Auburn WA2024
Congratulations Pam and Kelsea 1st place Exterior and NW2 (100%) NACSW McMinnville OR2024
Congratulations Sue and Patti L1V 6th overall , 5th in an element. Yamhill, OR 2024
Congratulations to Sarah and Pee Wee L1V - 9th overall , 6th in an element Yamhill OR2024
Congratulations Sarah and Little Debbie, L2V, 3rd overall, 2nd and two 3rd place Yamhill, OR2024
Congratulations Sue and Patti, L2C , 6th in one element Yamhill, OR2024
Congratulations Sarah and Pee Wee , L2C , 6th in one element. Yamhill OR 2024
Congratulations Pam and Jasper, NW1 - 4th overall. 3rd interiors, Ferndale WA 2024
Congratulations Rene and Caras, NW1 -8th overall , 7th vehicles, Ferndale WA 2024
Congratulations Corrine and Adobe NW1 (passed 75%) 6th in containers, 4th in Exterior, Ferndale, WA 2024
Congratulations Amanda and Zelda NW1 (passed 75%) 5th interiors, Ferndale WA 2024
Congratulations Amanda and Mose NW2- 3rd overall, 3rd Interior, 9th container, 7th exterior, Ferndale WA 2024
Congratulations Rene and Nitro NW2 , 2nd Interior, 10th overall, Ferndale WA 2024
Congratulations Pam and Kelsea, NW2 (75% pass) Ferndale WA 2024
Congratulations Amanda and Zelda NW1(75%pass) 10th overall , 2nd Interior , 9 vehicle, White Salmon OR 2024
Congratulations Pam and Flame NW1 - 5th overall, 2nd container, Centrailia WA2024
Congratulations Susan and Will NW1 - 8th overall , 2nd vehicle, 6th exterior, Centrailia WA 2024
Congratulations Lydia and Gobi, NW1 - 12th overall, 9th exterior, Centrailia WA 2024
Congratulations Nancy and Miko AKC 4th Novice Container ,Port Townsend WA 2024
Congratulations Kathy and Ike 1st Novice Container ,1st Novice Buried, 3rd Novice Interior, 4th Novice Exterior,3rd Adv Int, Port Townsend WA 2024
Congratulations Rene’ and Caras AKC 1st Novice Interior, 3rd Nov. Buried, 4th Adv Ext, Port Townsend Wa 2024
Congratulations Rene’ and Nitro AKC, 1st Exl Exterior, 1st Exl Container, 2nd Excel. Interior, 3rd Exl Cont, Port Townsend WA
Congratulations Pam and Jasper AKC 2nd Novice Buried Port Towsned WA2024
Congratulations Sharon and Emme AKC 1st Adv Interior,4th Novice Buried, Port Townsend WA 2024
Congratulations Susan and Vegas, AKC 2nd Ext Cont, 3rd Adv Buried,3rd Adv Ext, Port Townsend , WA 2024
Congratulations Susie and Kody AKC 4th Novice Buried Port Townsend WA 2024
Congratulations Sue and Patti AKC 4th Adv Buried , 4th Adv Container Port Townsend WA 2024
Congratulations Margaret and PeteyAKC 1st Exl Exterior Port Townsend 2024
Congratulations Pam and Kelsea AKC 2nd Exl Exterior, Port Townsend 2024
Congratulations Nancy and Miko AKC HIT Nov, 1st Nov Buried, 1st, Nov Cont, 2nd Nov Container, 3rd Nov Ext,4th Nov Buried,4th Nov Int, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Rene’ and CarasAKC 1st Nov Buried, 1st Nov ext,2nd Nov Int (2x)., 2nd Nov Buried, 2nd Nov Cont, 2nd Adv Int, HIT novice, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Lydia and Gobi AKC 1st Nov Ext, 1st,4thNov Cont, 2nd Nov Buried, 2nd Nov Ext, 3rd Nov Buried, 4th Nov Int, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Vicki and Ida,AKC 1st Nov Interior,2nd,4th Nov Ext, Port Angeles Wa 2024
Congratulations Susan and Vegas AKC 1st Adv Cont, 2nd Adv Buried, 2nd Nov Ext, 4th,4th Adv Cont, 2nd Ex Int,, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Rene’ and Nitro AKC 1st,1st Adv Buried, 1st Adv Cont, 1st Adv Ext, HIT Adv. 2nd, Ex Ext,, 4th Adv Int,, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Sue and Patti, AKC 1st Adv Int, 3rd Adv Ext, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Susie and KodyAKC 2nd Nov Cont, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Pam and Jasper AKC 1st,4th Nov Buried, 1st,1st Nov Ext,2nd Adv Cont, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Deb and Karma AKC 1st Nov Int, 1st Nov Cont, 3rd,3rd Nov Ext, 3rd,4th Nov Buried,Port Angeles WA2024
Congratulations Joe and Serrano, AKC 2nd Exl Int, 2nd Exl Ext, 3rd Exl Cont, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Pam and Kelsea AKC 1st Exl ext, 2nd Master Int. Port Angeles Wa 2024
Congratulations Amanda and Mose AKC HIT Advanced , 1st,2nd Adv Ext, 4th Adv Buried,1st, 4th Adv Cont, Port Angeles WA 2024
Congratulations Sharon and Emme AKC 2nd Nov Cont Port Angeles, WA 2024
2/14/2020 Client from Forks, WA
Working with Sarah has been so incredibly helpful. She gave us tools to support connection with our dog, who is now more likely to check in with us before reacting to a situation. We are also more tuned into her body language and have so many more tools for managing and responding to her if she's over stimulated. There's still more work to be done, and we are so grateful to have Sarah to learn from. She also has sent us many wonderful handouts and video links. Everything we are learning is supporting a shift in how we connect to not just Puppy, but our other dogs as well, as this type of training is transferrable to so many situations and dogs.
11/2019 Puppy Power! When Peggy Sue, our brand new standard poodle puppy, showed some worrying behaviors, we consulted with multiple trainers, breeders, and behaviourists. Each said a version of the same thing: "You're in over your heads. This puppy has a poor temperament. Take her back."
We were shocked and devastated. And then we found Sarah at Sea Change Canine.
Rather than passing judgement by email or over the phone, Sarah had us fill out a detailed questionnaire and then bring Peggy in for a consultation. Her rock-solid knowledge and calm, steadying energy had an immediate effect on both me and my husband. We felt a deep sense of relief.
Sarah was honest in her assessment of Peggy's temperament and assured us she would support us however we chose to proceed. She arranged a short supervised playdate for Peggy and a couple of well-matched puppies, and was able to assess her further.
The next week, our "bad" puppy officially joined puppy class!
Sarah's classes are an excellent balance of structure and relaxation. She seems to understand exactly what her furry students need each day, and is flexible in her approach to training. Whether we're working on basic obedience or watching our puppies engage in well-mannered play, we do it all with a focus on teaching our companions how to stay relaxed around a variety of stimuli—an invaluable lesson for all puppies and their owners!
To say that Peggy's blossomed in the past few months would be an understatement. She's a happy, bouncy girl, with an enormous capacity to learn. And Sarah's been there every step of the way: encouraging us when we need it; providing detailed, confidence-building
hands-on instruction and homework; and generally setting an excellent example of what's possible when you understand how to meet your dog's needs.
Whether you're a first-time puppy owner, overwhelmed by that critical socialization period, or an experienced handler seeking an outside perspective on a challenging case, I wholeheartedly recommend Sarah and Sea Change Canine!
-Robin May Fleming (and Matt and Peggy, too!) Sequim
2019 Private Client from Port Townsend: “I never could wrap my head around "obedience" military style- not for a dog or for parenting. You helped me to understand what was going on in my dog’s mind and how to help him. Thank you so much.”
6/2019 Teenage Angst Graduate Henry’s mom says “Working with Sarah was helpful to remind me to slow down and be patient. Success is building skills step by step and waiting for my little guy to give me the requested response, wait, wait, wait for it and “yes”! “
One of our many German Shepherd students who were told to use outdated training methods on their gentle dog.
“Our German Shepherd, Kai, is a rescue that came into our lives at 8 months. We learned that he had spent many months in a kennel too small for him for too many hours each day, with his brother kenneled next to him. When we brought him home he could barely walk up and down the steps, couldn’t jump over obstacles, and was too scared to even walk around the block. My husband and I had three other rescues prior to Kai so we were certain we knew what we were doing.
We immediately signed up for “dog-training” classes. The classes were held once a week and there were between 4 – 6 dogs at each session. We bought a choke collar to use for “correction,” as advised by the instructor. After 4 weeks, Kai’s behaviors never improved, and even the instructor was at a loss (encouraging us to just sit with Kai as the other dogs went through the training). Needless to say, we stopped the training.
Months went by and we still struggled to get Kai to leave the house and not overreact when people came over or dogs were present. In December, Kai bit a child in our house. That was the final straw.
I reached out to all my dog friends asking for recommendations for training. Finally someone sent me a link to Sarah Becker’s webpage. Sarah immediately caught my interest because she asked numerous questions about Kai, my husband, and me, and trained through positive reinforcement.
When we first met at our initial 90 minute getting to-know-each-other meeting, I was a little skeptical because she was adamant that Kai would respond to treats and that there would be no need for a choke collar. Within the first appointment, not only was Kia wearing a harness instead of a choke chain, but I was getting to understand how to respond to his behaviors and learning little “tricks” to encourage his success.
However, 6 weeks went by, and although Kai was making gains in the training, he still seemed to struggle much more than any other dog I have ever had. Sarah recommended that I talk with my Vet about medication for Kai. I was reluctant, but did my research. We continued training, and I eventually put Kai on the lowest dosage of Prozac in May 2018.
It took some time, but I cannot express what a welcomed change occurred. Kai is no longer completely stressed. He can relax. He can play. He can listen. And most importantly, he can be successful. I believe the medication and the training were needed to make this happen. My husband and I (and Kai) are so thankful for what Sarah has done for us. We highly recommend Sarah to work with any dog and will be using her again if/when another dog joins our family.
-Kat, Tim, and Kai, Port Angeles 2018
Sarah has worked with us for over several years. We started with some behavioral issues with one of our Anatolian Shepherds who would not get into a vehicle and since he weighs 185 pounds this was a challenge. With Sarah’s help he was soon jumping in when request for a treat and her technique has helped us teach him many other things.
We also took puppy classes and nosework classes over a 2 year period with our challenging Shiba Inu. She has helped us turn this busy bee pup a perfect companion. He is family favorite that has never had a an accident in the house or chewed up anything but his toys. Sarah’s techniques helped us truly enjoy this a dog who could have been a problem child. And yes he is spoiled and rules the household as he has trained us well, but with Sarah’s help we can change whatever isn’t working for us.
The latest help Sarah gave us was with a rescue Anatolian who was born on our farm, but needed to be returned due owner health issues. This 4 1/2 year old was a 120 pound house dog was not willing to be outside and we had always wanted an indoor Anatolian. However, trying to integrate her in the house with the “only child” Shiba Inu was proving to be a challenge. Sarah had several pieces of good advice that we tried and we now have a very happy family. 2 very stubborn, independent dogs live together well.
I highly recommend Sarah. Happy dogs, happy family thanks to her work.
-Judi, Don, John, Deeks, Hoshi, Sasha et,al. 2014-2018
“Sarah was so valuable after adopting a dog who came with some issues. She was so natural and assuring in her teaching. We were provided a wealth of information from her and also recommended educational resources to learn about our dog’s behavior. After each session we were encouraged and we loved the pace at which she works, it was manageable and realistic. Sarah naturally connected with the dog and was very insightful on his behavior. We are very grateful for Sea Change Canine. We learned just as much as the dog!”
-Sequim resident, 2/2017